Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra
let your love flow
One Ounce At A Time

About Elisabeth
Media and Articles
Let Your Love Flow
Hey! I’m Elisabeth.
My name is Elisabeth Anderson-Sierra. I’m a mom to three amazing humans, Isabella (8 years), Sophia (6 years), and Benjamin (8 months). My husband David and I have been married for over 10 years now and we are both retired Veterans. I’m just like any other mom in the fourth trimester tethered to the relentless loop of feedings, sleepless nights, and explosive diapers, however, my life comes with a unique twist. I live with a condition called Hyperlactation Syndrome – a medical novelty or nightmare, depending on the day…or even the hour.
While this may seem remarkable to some, I’m quick to clarify- This condition is not the norm, or something to compare to, or strive for, it is a serious medical condition. I produce around 200 ounces of breast milk every day, an experience that has been part of my life for the last nine years.
My life with Hyperlactation Syndrome hasn’t been just about the challenges, though. Instead, it serves as a catalyst —inspiring profound knowledge, expertise, and innovation in the field of lactation and beyond.

And I’m also a Guiness World Record holder.
Since my official diagnosis in early 2015, I’ve donated over 350,000 ounces of breastmilk – over 2,800 gallons – to hundreds of recipients in desperate need locally and worldwide at this point. As a result, I was contacted by Guinness World Records and awarded the official record title of Most Breastmilk Donated by an Individual. It seems surreal and incredibly humbling to acknowledge, but I am extremely proud of my body and what it has done to help our tiniest heroes.
labor of love